Ensure your pool table is set up correctly with our professional installation services. From precise leveling to secure assembly, we handle every detail to guarantee a perfect playing experience. Whether you’ve purchased a new table or need to relocate an existing one, our experts will get the job done right. Contact us today for hassle-free pool table installation in Boston!
We start every setup or installation service with a disassembled pool table, and we take advantage of this opportunity to appropriately level your pool table from the start. The Pool Table experts take on every service as a chance to deliver top-quality customer service and set your pool table up for a long life of great playing.
Because proper installation is so important, we take exceptional care whenever leveling, or aligning.
This attention to detail ensures that your table doesn’t face any of the problems of improper installation. If improperly set up, pool tables can have wrinkles in their felt, misaligned bumpers or rails, or lose their structural integrity. We guarantee you won’t have to worry about these issues when it comes to our level of service!
When you’ve chosen the perfect pool table for your home or entertainment area, call us first! We start each set up with a disassembled pool table, then attached the legs to the cabinet and level the initial framework. Afterward, we attach the slates and level each individually to ensure an even playing field.
Finally, we felt your pool table, and get you ready for years of great enjoyment. Because we guarantee our pool table installation and set up services, we know your table won’t have any problems related to this service down the road. Our team members take pride in their work and watch out for any necessary repairs as they assemble your new table.